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Thrillers by the Book Club is a group of thrillers lovers who like to talk about interesting serial killers, the perfect murder weapon, and what book we just couldn’t put down.
Chelsea founded Thrillers by the Book Club in November 2019 to create a space for thriller lovers to discuss their favorite books with people who understand the excitement over a good twist ending. What started as an online book club quickly grew to over 40 in person branches around the country.
Then in 2022, Olivia approached Chelsea about creating Thrillers by the Book Club Pod, and the podcast was born. Now there are weekly episodes of the podcast available on Tuesday’s and monthly virtual and in person book club meetings.
“In horror movies, the final girl is the one who’s left standing when the credits roll. The one who fought back, defeated the killer, and avenged her friends. The one who emerges bloodied but victorious. But after the sirens fade and the audience moves on, what happens to her?”